lakeview taco fest 2024

returning for its 11th flavor-filled year!

Join us Saturday, September 7th and Sunday, 9月8日在罗斯科和艾迪森之间的南港吃美味的玉米饼, live music, and so much more!

With its eclectic mix of stores, boutiques and restaurants, 南港走廊可以说是芝加哥最热门的商业街之一. 人们是否更喜欢传统的鸡肉馅儿, steak, chorizo and beef, 或者填上蘑菇等富有想象力的配料, seafood, goat and duck, 这个秋季美食节是风城美食界广受欢迎的固定活动. 10多家当地餐馆挑战自己,制作最美味的墨西哥卷饼.

庆典上还有特别的啤酒和墨西哥卷饼搭配, two music stages, crowd-pleasing Mexican wrestlers, activities for kids, and visitors can text vote for Chicago’s “Best Taco.”

A $10 suggested donation benefits the Friends of Lakeview.

在湖景塔可节做志愿者卖饮料帐篷, 倒饮料,分发饮料,或者在志愿者桌帮忙. Must be 21+ to serve. 志愿者在轮班结束时会收到一张饮料券. Shift start times are when you must check in. We will send you to your tent once checked in. Click the buttons to sign up & find out more!




Antique Taco
Making their Lakeview Taco Fest debut, 老板是主厨Ricky Ortiz和创意总监Ashley Ortiz, pride themselves on their unique take on a taco.  他们的两家实体店(一家在柳条公园(Wicker Park),另一家在布里奇波特(Bridgeport))广受欢迎,因为他们所做的事情背后有太多的爱.  无论是新鲜制作的玉米饼还是他们使用的本地产品, expect a taste sensation.  我们特别喜欢他们的猪肉玉米卷,里面有罗望子烧烤和培根(是的, bacon on a taco)!

Banges Mexican Food
你可能想知道为什么我们有这么多正宗的墨西哥餐馆参加湖景塔可节?  原因是他们都把自己独特的手法放在了玉米圆饼上.  And Banges Mexican Food is no different.  They’re a festival favorite for a reason!

Beat Kitchen
Located in the heart of Roscoe Village, Beat Kitchen一直为芝加哥提供各种各样的现场音乐, food and beer since 1994. The historic building was constructed in 1889, 在被改造成现场音乐空间之前,后屋以前是社区肉店. Both touring and local musicians, 喜剧演员和艺术家几乎每晚都在舞台上表演. Owned by Robert Gomez, Beat Kitchen是各种类型音乐的发源地, hosting some of the biggest names in live music & comedy! Stop by for a show or pop-in for a drink & 你经常会在酒吧里发现来自关系密切的罗斯科村社区的常客.

Carnitas Roldan
Their name says it all!  他们以美味的墨西哥卷饼和其他最受欢迎的食物而闻名,包括他们清爽可口的果汁饮料.

El Campeon
El Campeón是芝加哥当地的一家公司,成立于1993年,位于皮尔森社区. 从那时起,他们就参加了城市的特殊活动,提供特色食品. 1999年,他们创造了我们正宗的Piña Colada Acapulco风格,并且从未回头! From the Windy City to the surrounding suburbs, across the Midwest, 东海岸的迈阿密和西海岸的洛杉矶, 他们的异国情调和美味的饮料现在已经成为我们参加的每一个活动的主食!

Enrique’s Place Latin Grill
无论是牛肉、鸡肉还是猪肉玉米饼,正宗是他们的招牌.  他们把熟肉和新鲜的食材夹在玉米饼中间.  In addition to great taco, 一定要看看他们的墨西哥卷饼和油炸玉米饼, somehow, 用相似的食材做出不同的口味!

La Cebollita Grill
位于芝加哥马奎特公园的郊区, La Cebollita Grill多年来一直回到湖景塔可节.  Why?  他们每年都想把他们的爱传播到芝加哥的北部!

Prime Tacos
Prime Tacos started when two Taquero brothers, Anthony and Eric Cardenas, 决定联合起来,把他们的墨西哥根源和菜肴带到芝加哥. You know what they say; nothing brings people together like good food, especially delicious authentic Mexican food. 很快,品尝过Prime Tacos美食的顾客开始再次光顾. In a blink of an eye, 起初只是偶尔在他们的后院和聚会上做饭,后来逐渐发展成为吸引美食爱好者的主要景点之一.

Taqueria Arceo
位于伊利诺伊州奥罗拉市,家族经营的Taqueria Arceo是正宗的.  他们的传统墨西哥风格的玉米饼和自制的米饭和豆子会让你在品尝之后想要更多.

Taqueria La Ciudad
Hailing from Chicago’s Back of the Yards neighborhood, Taqueria La Ciudad提供传统的墨西哥玉米饼,从古老的食谱代代相传.  只要尝一口,你就会回到墨西哥的旧世界.

Tikki Masala Taco House by Tandoor Char House
Reigning champs!  正如所有伟大的说书人都会告诉你的,最好的起点就是开头.  法希姆和法拉兹的父亲是印度人,母亲是巴基斯坦人,在他们的朋友中以美味的晚餐和慷慨的本性而闻名.  只有他们的母亲能够通过使用最好的食材和最古老的技术来达到并超过他们父亲的高烹饪标准. 被母亲家的美味炖菜所震撼和启发, 以及他们的父亲根据传统将清真肉烤得恰到好处的稀有而美味的深卤肉, 法希姆和法拉兹给坦杜查尔屋注入了活力.  看看他们是如何把这些味道变成玉米饼的(你不会失望的)!

Tuco & Blondie
Lakeview Taco Fest wouldn’t be Taco Fest without Tuco & Blondie.  他们的南港根源和独特的玉米卷使他们成为这个节日的一个受欢迎的补充.  Be sure to check out their traditional steak, 鸡肉加牛肉玉米卷还有脆皮花椰菜玉米卷加墨西哥辣酱, jicama slaw, cilantro lime crema is one not to miss.

Jam Out with us!

Roscoe STAGE


11:30am – Mariachi Los Palmeros
1:00pm –
Jessie’s Girl
3:00pm –
Second Hand Soul Band
5:30pm –
8:15pm – Coming soon!!


11:30am – Mariachi Los Palmeros
1:00pm – The 77 Solution
2:30pm –
Pino Farina Band
4:30pm –
Hello Weekend
7:00pm –
Rod Tuffcurls and The Bench Press

addison STAGE


1:00pm – School of Rock
2:30pm –
Fletcher Rockwell
4:00pm –
Soul Sacrifice: A Santana Tribute
6:00pm –
Anthem’s Grand Illusion: A Styx Tribute
8:00pm –


11:30am – XOCHI
1:00pm –
Chicago Latin Groove
3:00pm –
The Gingers
5:00pm –
7:30pm –
Boy Band Review

Kids Area


Face Painting and balloon artist provided by SSA 27